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Esperanto Comic book and more Esperanto Resources

Updates: December 24th 2012

Esperanto Links:
  • War of the Worlds Comic in Esperanto
  • Fundamentals of Esperanto, a 2 page online document that covers the Esperanto Alphabet, Parts of Speech, and General Rules, copied from the 1905 Fundamento de Esperanto book
  • "Fundamento de Esperanto" in Esperanto, French, English, German, Russian, Spanish as an online e-book
  • The Easiest Language PDF with 60 3-6 minute lessons for beginners, a good resource
  • Android Google Playstore Esperanto Apps, free
  • Free Memrise online courses
How to Learn Esperanto Page:
  • A free course syllabus to follow for the complete beginner to learn about Esperanto and free online sources for learning, starting with the basics and progressing through various courses and resources, including grammar and also social integration to find online study/practice partners through various online sources.
  • I confirmed all websites, software, programs, and e-books are working and accessible. I have copied some and uploaded to allow them to be easily accessible and will continue to do this in the future, when time permits. I have noticed as time goes on free resources disappear as domains and hosting expire.
Website Update: This website has always been hosted here at, a Google Property, however was under the domain name, which has expired due to a lack of funding/donations. I will maintain this blog and update it as time and resources are available. It will remain at this free address:


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